Beauty Sleep

Beauty Sleep

Posted by Laura Colucci on

Beauty Blogger Laura Morris from @addict_to_beauty_ took the time recently to trial the Spritz Wellness Sleep Atmosphere Mist. She provided the following review, describing how sleep really does affect your appearance and her experience using the Spritz Wellness Sleep Spray. 

Laura a self pro-claimed "beauty addict" writes:

When it comes to your beauty routine, sleep may be the closest thing there is to a fountain of youth. Your body repairs itself and recovers while you snooze, and that leads to a long list of benefits for your looks. The key is to get enough sleep, between 7 to 9 quality hours each night. If you're getting fewer than 6 hours sleep, specialists say that it's likely affecting your appearance amongst many other things.

I’ve been fortunate to review the Spritz Wellness Sleep Atmosphere Mist that is defined to help you to wind down and drift off, naturally, and I’ve been so excited to tell you all about this. 

Spritz Wellness essential-oil based room sprays are completely natural. The Sleep Atmosphere Mist has a blend of four relaxing, soothing and calming scents that include:

  • Lavender - a relaxing and calming scent
  • Mandarin - a relaxing, warming, soothing and calming scent. It helps ease the mind and calm the body
  • Ravensara - a soft, warm scent excellent for calming the nervous system and relieving stress
  • Chamomile - calming for the nervous system and helps relieve insomnia.  It is blue in color, has a slightly herbal scent and is steam distilled from flowers and leaves

The fact that it takes almost no effort to use before bedtime makes it a no-brainer in my routine. The bottle never leaves my bedside, and the use of scent to aid in sleep is one of the most effective methods I’ve personally tried. Even though it’s not always a guarantee, I find that I’m able to knock out faster and stay asleep longer than when I don’t use it, and my sleep quality is noticeably better. 

A few spritzes of the delicious lavender, chamomile, ravensara and mandarin around my bedroom and on my pillow and I am asleep in no time - pure bliss.

Also, because it's so affordable (only £20 for 100ml & £12 for 50ml) and comes in a handy travel size, I can take it with me whenever I travel which means a peaceful night's sleep wherever I go!

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